10 Tips For Creating A Life & Living Your Dream


I stumbled upon this on the Internet and thought I would share it with you on this early Saturday morning before I head out for a wedding at The Jones Victorian Estate.

1. Stop doing things just because others expect them of you. Your heart must be in it to finish the race. When we do things just because we “should,” we eventually reach a place of resentment, anger, and rebellion.

2. Get your priorities straight. Spend your time, talents, and resources with the people, activities, or things that are meaningful to you. Stop wasting these on people or things that are not adding value to your life or that keep you from moving forward towards what you want to be or do.

3. March to the beat of your own band. The most satisfying experiences in our lives are when we are enaged physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, or intellectually. Life is meant to be effortless. If you’re tugging and pulling, and everything feels like an uphill battle, then you’re doing the wrong thing.

4. Do what you’re good at and the money will follow. Whether you’re a brain surgeon or a dogwalker, be the best you can be at it because you love it. Your enthusiasm and love for what you do is what will make you successful in the long run. Enthusiastic and positive people attract others to them who want that too.

5. Share your dream with others, but be discerning. Realize that not everyone you share your dream with will be thrilled for you. Avoid the nay-sayers and focus on those people who can support you even if they don’t agree with you.

6. Stop making excuses and just do it. The reason (excuses) for why you have not taken that first step does not matter. What matters is that you take the first step NOW.

7. Determine what your ideal life looks like. Most people’s initial response to this is “I don’t know.” If you did know, what would your ideal life be like? Who would you want to live with, who would you like to meet, where would you like to live, what activities/shows/parties/places would you like to experience or be with?

8. Identify the stumbling blocks tha can be turned into stepping stones. Your past experiences and adversity can create opportunity for you. It’s all in how you look at life and how you choose to use those experiences so that you eliminate the blocks and move on in spite of them. Victory Is Yours!

9. Reduce your learning curve. Learn from the experiences and mistakes of others. Instead of reinventing the wheel, take what you can apply from the trials and challenges others have overcome then tweak the process to fit your own situation.

10. Align yourself with a role model/mentor. Having someone who’s “been there and done that” is one of the best ways to get yourself on track with what you want to accomplish or be. A mentor will be supportive, offer the benefit of his/her expertise and knowledge, and will listen to you when you need the support the most.

I hope that this is as helpful for you as it was for me!

Check back later for some photos from today’s wedding – cheers!

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