On Twitter, my short and silly bio says: I'm a "Caffeinated Photographer, Insatiable Wanderluster, Google Glass Explorer, Passionate Coffee Ninja, Stolichnaya Scholar, Educator and Incurable Music Junkie."
While that's all fun & true, I also love being a: philanthropist, iPhoneographer, filmmaker and Director Of Photography who totally loves working with vibrant, passionate & exciting people around the world.
My career has been an exciting
roller coaster too! It spans from the USA to England, France, Switzerland, Netherlands, Canada, Mexico, India, Japan, Singapore, Costa Rica and Germany - photographing Grammy Award-winning bands like Duran Duran, X Games, commercial & fashion, contribute to a best-selling photography book, model for Ralph Lauren, teach & give motivational presentations in Elementary, High School & Colleges and had my photography & written work published in 4 languages across the planet.
Whew! So come on inside and take a look at my "Riot Of Colour In A Grey World!"
candy feliciano yalong - hi again, david! can i just say, this is one aweome website! thanks for the friendship! you totally ROCK! btw, am just wondering… are you somehow connected to Esquire Magazine? am familar with it…
David Esquire - Hi Candy,
I wish I was, but I’m not. It’s just little ole me – a dude with a camera. But I have to say though – it’s definitely one of my favourite magazines as well! :-)
candy feliciano yalong - still, i gotta say the magazine should be thankful you got the same name! YOU are definitely in the A-list! saw your shoots! my comment: WOW…. WOW… WOW… if i do get the chance to work with you even as your PA or just to accompany you have a good time, i will gladly do so!
i love the 80’s, all the music and fashion and scene! TFF, DD and DM tops my list! though i also love the rest of ’em… The Cure, A-ha, OMD, Lotus Eaters, Echo and the Bunnymen, China Crisis, The Smiths… everyone! LOVE NICK RHODES! he’s my *eye-candy*!!! chat soon! have a great week! (=
David Esquire - I’m sure the time will come in the future & you, CD & I will all be able to hang out & have one big 80’s fest. That would be totally epic! :-)