David Esquire Co-Hosting Podcast On Camera Dojo!

Good Afternoon Everyone! Huge News!!! Our resident photographer; David Esquire was recently interviewed by the guys over at Camera Dojo to chat about various aspects of wedding photography.

What we thought was going to be a brief session rapidly became a lengthy 90 minute in-depth discussion about everything from techniques, contracts, workflow and so much more. Crazy!

They decided to break it up into a two-part series & here is the LINK to the first half of the Podcast on iTunes.

This is Part 1 & they’re supposed to launch Part 2 next week. Check back with us or send us an EMAIL & we can let you know when it is live on iTunes.

We hope you’re having a great weekend & stay in touch as we have some VERY EXCITING things coming up on the horizon – cheers!

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