David & Kerry Geek Out On iTunes

dojopodcast-61x140Good afternoon everyone! I just got back in from the gym and got the word from Kerry that the podcast we recorded this week on iTunes from Huntington Beach and Tustin is live.

Over the past few weeks we both recently upgraded our camera bodies.  Kerry upgraded from a 30D to a 50D and I traded in a couple of my 40Ds to a 5D Mk II. So in this episode we both “geek out” a bit and discuss the new cameras and some of the features that are not only dope to us, but help us produce even better killer photos for our clients.

If you’re interested in subscribing to the podcast, click the iTunes button below.  We also recently celebrated our 1 Year Anniversary with the podcasts & gave away more than $6,000 in free prizes to our listeners.

I hope you’re having a great West Coast Wednesday & stay tuned for more exciting news coming up about the 2012 Olympics that I’m heading back home to London for – cheers!

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