Good afternoon from what looks like a war zone, aka; Esquire Photography HQ in Orange County everyone! I’m one Newport Beach Wedding Photographer who is feeling a little zany with all the things getting wrapped up and packing & prepping my gear before I leave in a few days to teach my Workshop in Paris, France.
Speaking of my Workshop in Paris, France… With all the exciting Engagement Shoots, Portraits and Weddings I’ve been capturing photographs of from Newport Beach down to San Diego and all the way up to Oakland – that’s one change of scenery and schedule that I’m excited to experience.
Speaking of experiences… The holidays are upon us & I saw a really disturbing photo that I shared on Facebook earlier today. I put it just to the right & totally felt it needed to be a part of this year’s Christmas West Coast Wednesday Video Of The Week.
The photograph pretty much sums it up & I want to invite you to look around at everything and then look inward toward your heart and let’s explore together what we’re truly and really celebrating this year.
At the end of our lives, we won’t be known for all the stuff, we’ll be known for our relationships & how we changed the world.
It’s totally possible! Here’s a short list of 10 people who changed the world & made it a better place:
- Bill Gates
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- Nelson Mandela
- Albert Einstein
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Charles Darwin
- Mother Theresa
- William Shakespeare
- Lady Diana
- Steve Jobs
But before you scroll down to check out West Coast Wednesday Video Of The Week with Band Aid’s “Do They Know It’s Christmas.” and you’re thinking… Hey – I’d really like to get to know this Newport Beach Wedding Photographer (Previously a Huntington Beach Wedding Photographer) that loves music & fashion, photography and art, feel free to contact me anytime. Perhaps you’re a fan of Nachos & Newcastles (like Duran Rex and I) and if so – we could always meet at Fred’s Mexican Cafe on Main & PCH in Huntington Beach. They’re awesome there!
I’m available just about 24/7 via Twitter, Facebook, Google+, the form on my contact page, or the old fashioned phone as well at 888.ESQ.PHTO (888.377.7486) or 562.225.5915.
I hope you’re having a great start to your holidays and stay tuned for some amazing events that I’m sharing. From San Diego to Newport Beach, Ventura and all the way up to Oakland – I’ll have some fantastic Weddings and events that I’ve had the honour of photographing. And of course soon to come; LA Fashion Week, the VIP Party Manny “Pac Man” Pacquiao had at The Supper Club in Los Angeles and the American Music Awards Pre-Party at Ben Kitay Studios with Kate Mesta – Cheers!
So without further ado, I give you the original music video Band Aid and the live performance in England in “Do They Know It’s Christmas.” So please take a few minutes to sit back with your favourite holiday beverage during your day, enjoy the videos, count your blessings and think of at least one way you can help make someone else’s Christmas better.
THEN! I ask you to please Tweet it, Facebook it, Blog about it, Comment on today’s posting, but by all means – help spread the word that you’ve helped contribute in one way or another to making a positive difference in this world. Heck, if you want – come join me at a toy drive on Friday in Orange County helping kids & families have a better Christmas. I participated in one earlier this week and it was sooooo totally spiritually and emotionally rewarding.
“For some, it’s the 11th hour of their human spirit and their clock is ticking down.”
PS, If you haven’t already seen on Twitter & Facebook the two very HUGE announcements I shared recently – check this out. One is the Military Promotion that launched last Saturday. I had the honour of giving it to Ali & Justin when I was up at Edward’s Air Force Base with both of their parents location scouting and going over details for their Lancaster Wedding Day I’m photographing next August.
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