Newport Beach Wedding Photographer / Photographer Testimonial / Huntington Beach Wedding Photographer

Good evening from Esquire Photography HQ everyone!

I’m a totally excited Wedding Photographer who’s taking a bit of a break from packing & preparing to move EPHQ for the Most Exciting & Nerve-Wrecking Evolution of the family business of nearly 30 years and read an email from Delicia & Allen about their San Diego Wedding I recently photographed at the Fallbrook Wedgewood Golf Club.

Check this out!

“Afternoon David,

We finally made it back safe from our honeymoon in Cancun, Mexico.  It was awesome!  We had such a great time in the sun, even though we got a little stormy weather the last day.  But that’s the benefits of being with somebody you love so much, rain or shine you enjoy the day with them! 

Your video is epic!!  Simply epic!!  I love it!!  I was so proud to show my parents and some friends the video.  I can’t wait to show everybody the video.  I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, you have the eye for photography.  All my groomsmen concur and said the same thing.

We can’t say it enough, but thank you so much for everything!

Cheers mate,


I’m totally flattered by comments like these & it truly means the world to me being able to help my wedding couples I work with to have an incredible experience on their wedding day!

So if you or someone you know is thinking… Hey – I’d really like to get to know this wedding photographer out of Newport Beach (Previously a Huntington Beach Photographer) for your wedding or event that loves music & fashion, photography and art, feel free to contact me anytime.

I’m available just about 24/7 via TwitterFacebookPinterest, the form on my contact page, or the old fashioned phone as well at 888.ESQ.PHTO (888.377.7486) or 562.225.5915.

I hope you’re having a great July 4th holiday week and stay tuned for many other amazing events that I’m sharing.  From San Diego to Newport Beach, Ventura and all the way out to Paris, France and Berlin, Germany – I’ll have some fantastic Weddings and events that I’ve had the honour of photographing.

Sharing is yummy like buttered movie popcorn!  Click the Google+Facebook Like or Twitter buttons below
to show some love for the testimonial I received about Delicia & Allen’s San Diego wedding I had the honour of photographing!

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