The Official Countdown Has Begun To London!


support_PGlogo2Good morning from behind the “Orange Curtain” in Huntington Beach, California everyone! Have I got some fantastic and exciting bits of news to share with you. I received an email from the London 2012 Olympic Committee and…

Three years from today the eyes of the world will be on the Olympic Stadium in London, for the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

On the evening of July 27th, 2012 a hush will fall around the the world – and the Games will get underway.

Who would have believed that London would even win the bid in Singapore back in 2005? It’s so awesome how far London come since!

stadium-three-340x185As you’ll see in the photos from the webcams in the Park, the venues are well on the way to be being built. The Stadium itself is a clear landmark on the London skyline. The Aquatics Centre roof is shaping up nicely…and so much more.

To mark the occasion, today London was joined by some unbelievably talented athletes – including newly-crowned World Champion diver Tom Daley – on the high-speed Javelin train from St Pancras to Stratford. They were delighted by a tour of the Olympic Park.

JavtrainYou can help mark the day too…take a minute to look back over the past four years since London won the bid in their video. Or play their special ‘3 years to go‘ quiz for the chance to win a London 2012 pin.

As the clock is winding down, I hope you’ll celebrate with me because I’m getting more & more excited to be a part of such a historic event. Not just in my career, but for the world as a whole – cheers!

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