Viva Las Vegas!

vegas-2.jpgThat’s Right! Here we come (again)! Vegas Baby! It’s Katherine’s birthday this weekend and I guess she didn’t hear those magic words still ringing in our ears from our trip on Thanksgiving (Wheel Of Fortune!!!) – so where does she want to celebrate… VEGAS! Yeah!

We’re hitting the road tomorrow morning bright & early with my sister; Tawnya & some friends of ours to pile into a suite on the strip for massive partying, dining & who knows, maybe a try at good old Lady Luck. And, since we’re going to be there for her b-day, we’re going to celebrate LARGE & IN CHARGE for the New Year Holiday!

vegas-1.jpgStay tuned for some snaps from the world famous iPhone gallery over the next few days. You might even see another champagne pyramid!

Have a fantastic New Year’s Holiday – Cheers!

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