Good morning from Huntington Beach everyone! I’m super excited to share with you that this Huntington Beach Wedding Photographer was recently invited to be a gust on the Papa Podcast to chat about the importance of Copyright.
My good friend & fellow photographer; Karlo Gesner heard me over at the [b] School talking copyright with the [b] ecker and really wanted to bring my message to his audience as well.
The hot topic of choice that Karlo knows I get really fired up about is Copyright. We explored what it is, and what it means to photographers. In this episode we answered those questions and talk about what copyright means to the artist, applying it to our own work, and respecting it in the work of others.
But before you check out the episode with little ole me over at Papa Podcast and you’re thinking… Hey – I’d really like to get to know this Huntington Beach Wedding Photographer that eats & breathes; fashion, photography and art, feel free to contact me anytime.
I’m available just about 24/7 via Twitter, Facebook, the form on my contact page, or the old fashioned phone as well at 888.ESQ.PHTO (888.377.7486) or 562.225.5915.
I hope you’re having an awesome Baby Friday as well & stay tuned for amazing photos, projects & events that are happening! This year is totally blowing up in Huntington Beach – cheers!
PS, If you’re looking for something to do tonight, I would be honoured if you could join me at my fellow photographer & good friend; John Remus at his RAW Artists Gallery Show. He’s going to be featuring a portrait of me!! Awesome!
PSS, Totally check out the video program; Photo Night Live from the UK that I was a guest on. YEAH!!! Be sure to read the Story about it and the program episode. We had a total blast and there was beer involved too at 11:00 a.m.! Well… Not by me, but the guys in the UK were already at the end of their day. LOL!
PPSS, ALSO! If you missed the latest episode of “How To Make The Most Out Of Your Wedding Day” that aired on Monday, totally check it out. I have the award winning Reverend Michael Ahern that will totally help you save some time, some money & your sanity planning your event!