Good morning everyone! I am one Newport Beach Wedding Photographer in Orange County who feels like I should pay some level of respect to the passing of Steve Jobs, the late CEO of Apple for this week’s West Coast Wednesday Video Of The Week.
Steve Jobs was more than everything he will be remembered for to me. To me, Steve Jobs helped shape my world with the tools I use in my life.
To me, Steve Jobs did more than that. Steve Jobs gave me hope.
Hope that one person can make a difference, hope that one person can change the world.
So with that brief thought that I couldn’t wait to share with you later – I leave you with this…
If you ever doubted one person could make a difference and change the world.
It’s time to change the way you think. It’s time to “Think Different.”
If you’re asking yourself why or have any doubts…
This is the face of one man that did.
I really love the message in that commercial and I truly feel that we should all think about what the message is in it. It’s about the “crazy ones”, “the misfits”, and more. In a way, the commercial really speaks to me and I have a sneaky suspicion that it speaks to a lot of you as well.
So if it does, let’s celebrate our diversity, our uniqueness, our willingness to push the limit in the human spirit, our creative self and each other. On top of it all, let’s be thankful that we all are different and that we’re looking to make things better. Let’s be thankful that we don’t accept mediocrity, sloth and “middle of the road.” Let’s be thankful that the driven and zealous mind and spirit will constantly seek to do better the next time, even if the next time is now.
I think by now, you get the point, but if not, check out the script from the Apple “Think Different” ad, then start the video & close your eyes. Listen to Richard Dreyfuss’ voice & see what thoughts come to your mind and be thankful for your creativity.
“Think Different”
By: Apple
Here’s to the crazy ones.
The misfits.
The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They’re not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They push the human race forward. And while some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world… are the ones who do.”
So! Before you check out one of my most favourite motivational videos and you’re thinking… Hey – I’d really like to get to know this Newport Beach Wedding Photographer (Previously a Huntington Beach Wedding Photographer) that loves music & fashion, photography and art, feel free to contact me anytime.
I’m available just about 24/7 via Twitter, Facebook, Google+, the form on my contact page, or the old fashioned phone as well at 888.ESQ.PHTO (888.377.7486) or 562.225.5915.
I hope you had a great TRex Tuesday yesterday & stay tuned for some amazing events that I’m sharing this week. From San Diego to Newport Beach and all the way up to Ventura – I’ll have some fantastic Weddings and events that I’ve had the honour of photographing. Cheers!
PS, If you’ve been keeping up with my Facebook and Twitter updates – then you have seen my Rock Star Client Concierge; Linda chiming in every now & then. Linda is a long time client, turned BFF for nearly 10 years. She’s recently joined this Nacho & Newcastle lovin Newport Beach Wedding Photographer and is already keeping up with my awesome signature service I deliver to my clients. I’m receiving notes from brides – some of which saying: “OMG, I LOVE Linda!!” and “She should be a life coach!” Uhmmm… Between Linda & Duran Rex getting all that attention – I’m starting to get a little jealous. HeHeHe!
PSS, I’m about to rock one of my Signature High Fashion photo shoots of Linda too. I’ve got a couple locations in Newport Beach and Huntington Beach that I’m going to take her for her photo shoot. She’ll knock it out of the park for sure!
PPSS, And, yes, it is West Coast Wednesday & to accompany the Think Different video from Apple, I want to share my ultimate favourite video by Duran Duran and if you guessed Rio, you’re correct. Enjoy!!!
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to show some love for Steve Jobs, Apple and Duran Duran!