Happy Baby Friday from Huntington Beach everyone! It’s Baby Friday and I have a different kind of Wedding Tip Of The Week to share with you today.
This is a fantastic bit from my good friends at Elegala.com about what to expect during the first few weeks after getting you’ve said YES. But what’s interesting about this article though, is that it goes straight to the heart of things. You’ve said yes & now what? You’re now about to get as busy as Donald Trump, as shrewd as an Army General and as wedding planning savvy as David Tutera.
But! Before you go down the path of tackling so many things, you’ll want to take some time to reflect & soak it in & prepare. Which is why I think I really wanted to share this article with you. To give you a moment to enjoy something pretty precious to all of us — time.
There are quite a few fantastic thoughts that are touched on in the article, but before you check out today’s Wedding Tip Of The Week and you’re thinking to yourself… Hey – I’d really like to get to know this Orange County Wedding Photographer in Huntington Beach, California that wants to enjoy life to the fullest, feel free to get in touch with me anytime. Feel free to contact me anytime so we can get together over a coffee or perhaps some Nachos & Newcastles.
I’m available just about 24/7 via Twitter, Facebook, the form on my contact page, or the old fashioned phone as well at 888.ESQ.PHTO (888.377.7486) or 562.225.5915.
Have a great Baby Friday & check back very soon. I’m a tad bit behind in blogging events as I’m spread pretty thin this summer shooting & making sure everyone’s events are getting delivered on time. But I promise I’ll have PLEANTY to share with you soon – cheers!
Congratulations! You said yes…now what?
Unfortunately, for many newly engaged women, the euphoria of finding “the one” is slightly dampened by a dose of anxiety. Engagement is one of the most significant transitions in our lives. And let’s face it, most brides-to-be have never faced such a milestone and are unsure what to expect from those first few weeks. Here are the first three emotional milestones during the early stages of engagement.
Bask and Reflect
Long before the craziness of wedding planning ensues, you should take some personal time to reflect on the significance of this milestone and mentally prepare for what’s ahead. Now’s the time to bask in the glow of newly engaged bliss, and it’s also the time to ponder any emotional anxieties about getting engaged. You need to be prepared to shed your single self and embrace your new life as an engaged and eventually a married woman.
Prepare for the Onslaught of Questions
He just popped the question – and you’re still on “engagement high.” But the questions will start to trickle in, usually beginning with the moms. They’ll want to know dates, times, color schemes, seating charts…all while your tongue’s still tripping over the word “fiancé.”
Don’t let others stress you out just yet. When the questions begin, just let the inquiring know that you’re going to enjoy your engagement for a while before you begin making plans. Take this time to adjust to your new status, and relish these last few weeks free from the pressures of wedding planning. You’ll know when the time is right to start planning. (Just don’t wait too long; some venues book over a year in advance.) Once you’re ready, you can dive into the wedding details.
Make it a Family Affair
If your parents haven’t met yet, they should meet or at least talk soon after the engagement. Tradition dictates that the groom’s family calls and introduces themselves to the bride’s family and arranges a meeting. If the groom’s parents do not make the first introduction, then the bride’s parents should. Nowadays, who makes the first call is irrelevant; all that really matters is that the parents meet. If meeting face to face is impossible, a letter or phone call will suffice.
Now’s also the time to address any potential family issues or concerns (i.e. your family doesn’t like him, his mother and step-mom can’t stand to be in the same room…). Handle any misgivings or bad blood early on, and avert potential planning – and relationship – disasters down the road.
Above all, enjoy the first few weeks of engagement, while mentally and emotionally preparing for the exciting – albeit a bit nerve-wracking – roller coaster that lies ahead.