Good afternoon from EPHQ everyone! I’ve been catching up on everything and editing Christin & Christoph’s destination wedding I photographed with them in Germany (here’s their totally romantic Portrait Shoot in Berlin!) and remembered I wanted to share a really amazing note with you from Christin on Facebook about her experience with me
Check this out!
I’m absolutely flattered by comments like this & it truly means the world to me being able to help my clients have an incredible photography experience and amazing photographs they’re able to enjoy and share with their family & friends over the years.
If you’re thinking… Hey – I’d really like to get to know this Newport Beach Photographer who loves music & fashion, photography and art about your wedding or portraits, feel free to contact me anytime.
I’m available just about 24/7 via Twitter, Facebook, Google+, the form on my contact page, or the old fashioned phone as well at 888.ESQ.PHTO (888.377.7486) or 562.225.5915.
I hope you’re having a great start to your July 4th holiday week and stay tuned for more amazing events that I’m sharing.
And remember…
Sharing is Sexy! Be sure to share this story on Pinterest, Facebook or Twitter
To show other clients how much fun they can have with the right photographer!