Guest Writer; Tamar Floyd Shares Her Thoughts About Rebekah & Christopher’s Candle-lit San Diego Wedding

What do you do when disaster strikes on your wedding day?!?

Now that I’ve got your attention…

Good afternoon from Newport Beach everyone!  I have a special treat for you about Rebekah & Christopher’s San Diego Wedding (LINK).

Even though their wedding was a little while ago, I really had to share Tamar’s perspective of how beautiful, fun and memorable their wedding was – regardless of the power outage that was happening that day in California.

Check this out!

“A massive power outage couldn’t hold a candle to Rebekah and Chris’ wedding.  On the contrary, candles were held in it as the light faded and a full moon rolled up the sky.  A power-less evening threatened to rain on their nuptial parade—to darken the couple’s moon lit big night and morph from a knock-on-wood moment to a latter day by-word like a trip down the aisle or a bridesmaid suddenly AWOL.

Of course, that suspicion was whisked away before it could properly mature and settle down.  No power meant soft, watery candlelight; meant lean-to conversations and huddled intimacy; meant, ultimately, an unpredictably romantic evening.

A dark, even music-less, night was actually a stroke of luck.  It coerced guests into informally knit groups around flicking aureoles of light while audible conversation replaced hardly missed music, spreading like an airborne contagion.  Most importantly, at the head of their secluded sweetheart table, grinning from ear to ear over dim rings of golden light, the happy couple sat, well, happy—unaware they could’ve been otherwise.”

Sometimes, what could be perceived as a potential disaster, can be a completely magical and perfect event.

Also, I want to ask you a couple things.  Did you picture how the event was, how everyone was and how the event was overflowing with love as the usual cliche things were not able to happen.  Did the picture in your mind seem really romantic and beautiful?

At the end of the day, it’s your wedding and you get to choose how you want to spend it.  Whether it’s with tons of games, dancing and playing around or if you want an intimate wedding that allows everyone to connect – it’s up to you.

Now that you have an idea of what a really intimate and romantic can be like and if you’re thinking…  Hey – I’d really like to get to know this international photographer who loves music & fashion, photography and art, feel free to contact me anytime.

I’m available just about 24/7 via TwitterFacebookGoogle+, the form on my contact page, or the old fashioned phone as well at 888.ESQ.PHTO (888.377.7486) or 562.225.5915.

I hope you’re having a great start to your New Year and stay tuned for more amazing events that I’m sharing from San Diego to Newport Beach, all the way out to London, Paris, Costa Rica, Germany and Switzerland.

And remember…

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