Good afternoon everyone! As I’m getting caught up on my correspondence from the past couple of days as my calendar has been totally filled with production & rehearsal for the upcoming Off-Broadway New York & Edinburgh theatre performances I’m in with the cast of the Miserable Lesbians – I am honoured to share with you a wonderful email I received from Rachel about her Burbank Wedding with Martin at the Calamigos Equestrian Centre a week 1/2 ago.
Check this out!
“Hi David!
We just got back from our honeymoon last night and had an amazing time in Belize! Pictures are up on Facebook if you want to check them out.
Thank you so much for everything. The pictures are all so amazing. I need to take breaks from Pictage because there are so many and frankly I keep crying. We have watched the video numerous times and cried over and over again with that as well.
Everyone LOVED you and can not get over the beautiful pictures and the talent you have.
You’re the best and thank you so much again for everything!
I’m absolutely flattered by comments like this & it truly means the world to me being able to help my clients have an incredible photography experience and amazing photographs they’re able to enjoy and share with their family & friends over the years.
If you’re thinking… Hey – I’d really like to get to know this Newport Beach Photographer (Previously a Huntington Beach Photographer) who loves music & fashion, photography and art about your wedding or photo shoot, feel free to contact me anytime.
I’m available just about 24/7 via Twitter, Facebook, Google+, the form on my contact page, or the old fashioned phone as well at 888.ESQ.PHTO (888.377.7486) or 562.225.5915.
I hope you’re having a great start to your weekend and stay tuned for more amazing events that I’m sharing. From San Diego to Newport Beach, Ventura, all the way out to London, England, Paris, France, Germany and Switzerland – I’ll have some fantastic Weddings, portrait shoots and soon – “Picture Me – Picture You” that I’ve had the honour of photographing & filming.
And remember…
Sharing is Sexy! Be sure to share their wedding on Pinterest, Facebook or Twitter
To show other couples how beautiful a their wedding can be with the right photographer!