Good morning from EPHQ everyone! I have an awesome Wedding Tip to share with you from my good friend and Partner of Esquire Photography; Shelly at Simply Bridal.
This week Simply Bridal has shared a really great graphic for you on how to create a fun & easy seating chart for your wedding reception.
“A seating chart at your actual wedding ceremony isn’t always necessary, traditionally all of the members attending in support of the bride sit on one side and the members attending to support the groom are on the other side.
Many couples have chosen to abandon this tradition, as they believe that though their union, everyone is family so there shouldn’t be a seating plan.
Now, putting together a seating arrangement for the reception is a whole other ball game. Does the happily married couple prefer a sweetheart table, or would they rather be surrounded by their bridal party, or their family? Any of the following options is acceptable, but which one is right for your friends and family?”
So totally check out this graphic below which has some great ideas on how to make your wedding reception planning process a little easier.
Also, be sure to follow & like me on Twitter & Facebook, so you can keep up on all the exciting events that have been happening from photographing Portraits, Red Carpet Events, commercial photo shoots with celebrities; Boo Boo Stewart AND Brittany Curran and more recently – being chosen as a Google Glass Explorer & the EPIC Military Discount Program.
If you have any other wedding tips you’d like to add, be sure to share your thoughts in the comments below or contact me anytime day or night. I’m available just about 24/7 via Twitter, Facebook, Google+, the form on my contact page, or the old fashioned phone as well at 888.ESQ.PHTO (888.377.7486) or 562.225.5915.
Thanks again to my friend; Shelly at Simply Bridal for the awesome tips on how to create a fun & easy seating chart for brides on their wedding day! That was really great of her to do that!
I hope you’re having a great week AND totally be sure to check out Christin & Christoph’s Destination Wedding in Mirow, Germany. There were over 10,000 photos captured during the week that I was in Germany & I’m so excited to share them with you!
PS, Stay tuned for the awesome project that I’ve put together with Simply Bridal, you’re going to LOVE it!
And remember…
Sharing is Sexy! Be sure to share this wedding tip on Pinterest, Facebook or Twitter
To help other couples plan a beautiful wedding with the right photographer!