I’m One Google Glass Explorer Excited To Share I Was Interviewed On This Week In Google Glass!

David Esquire Google Glass PodcastGood afternoon from Esquire Photography HQ everyone!

In the middle of all the awesome things happening this week, like being interviewed for a magazine in France, a magazine in Italy & then filming the teaser/trailer at The Lexington Social House for WatchHollywood.TV who’s running an episode about me – I’m now excited to share with you that I was featured on This Week In Google Glass.

If you’re not too familiar with This Week In Google Glass, check this out:

“This Week In Google Glass is a weekly Podcast hosted by Google Glass Explorers: Jeffrey Powers & Luke Wallace!

We love Google Glass.  Want to be notified of upcoming events?  Ask to be added to the circle!

This Week in Google Glass (TWIGG) is a weekly show that will highlight news and stories about Google Glass.

Find out the newest uses for this cutting technology. 

This Week in Google Glass – For all your Google Glass needs!”

I had a blast with Jeffrey & Luke as we chatted about my career as an international photographer, filmmaker, Google Glass Explorer & philanthropist that spans nearly 31 years from the USA to Canada, England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Mexico, Costa Rica, and India.

David Esquire Google Glass Podcast

They even shared some of my celebrity photography I’ve done for Mark McGrath with the rock band; Sugar Ray, vocalist: Kristine Di, Twilight Movie stars: Boo Boo Stewart (LINK) & Brittany Curran (LINK), and celebrity designer: Kate Mesta who I’ve been working with for several years.

Jeffrey even shared one of my favourite photos from The Face Of Hunger photo shoot I did for The Hunger Campaign featuring music by Moby that was hosted by Heifer International & Brits In LA.

Before you scroll down to check out the fun we had in the video and you’re thinking…

Hey – I’d really like to get to know this Newport Beach Photographer & Google GlassExplorer who loves the arts, feel free to contact me anytime.  I’m available just about 24/7 via TwitterFacebookGoogle+, the form on my contact page, or the old fashioned phone as well at 888.ESQ.PHTO (888.377.7486) or 562.225.5915.

I hope you’re having a great week AND totally check out Christin & Christoph’s Destination Wedding I photographed in Germany.  There were over 10,000 photos I captured during the week I was in Germany & I’m so excited to share them with you!

PS!  Check out my exclusive Esquire Photography iPhone Cases featuring original photographs from around the world.  Protect your phone & carry some of the most exotic & beautiful places in the world in your pocket.

And remember…

Sharing is Sexy!  Be sure to share this awesome video of photography tips on PinterestFacebook or Twitter
So other photographers can be inspired, empowered, motivated & educated!

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